
Tornado Moves to Seattle #; transcript

Tornado: any seattle area folk present
Tornado: got some questions
trout: yes
Tornado: k as you may or may not remember, we are debating moving up there.
Tornado: boss says to limit search to seattle area
Tornado: these are the cities we are interested in and therefore would like your opinion(s) on:
Tornado: Snoqualmie Valley/North Bend/Preston/Fall City
Tornado: Fremont/Ballard
Tornado: Brementon (ferry access only?)
Tornado: Maple Valley
Tornado: Kent/Renton
Tornado: Mulkilteo
Tornado: and
Tornado: Mill Creek
Tornado: …stop…
* Tornado awaits trouts insightful response
trout: I don’t know a lot of those areas..
trout: But I like North Bend, fremont, Ballard..
Chunk: I think it depends on what you’re looking for..
rozo: Tornada: Snowq is not near Seattle
rozo: Ballard/Freemont is 15min away
Chunk: wanting to be right in the city ? or outside and have more space ?
rozo: Maple Valley is 45min away (rush-hour)
Chunk: fremont 15 min away ? more like 5 🙂
Tornado: space
rozo: Kent: is 30-40min rush hour
rozo: chunk :rush hour
Tornado: combined with keeping commute to city to a “normal” level
Tornado: ie, within 1.25 hours
Tornado: one way
Tornado: (fyi, that is “normal” here in LA)
rozo: all of those are under an hour
Chunk: ah
rozo: except maybe Snoqualmie during rush hour
Tornado: space/trees/yard is most important
Tornado: commute is #2 or #3
rozo: then you want the south and north end
rozo: are you going to buy a house?
Tornado: yes
trout: you can get space in north bend
Tornado: chunk you once mentioned looking north of city. what cities were you thinking?
Chunk: greenlake, kirkland..
rozo: Tornado: if you want a yard and very close to the city, then Shoreline is your best bet
Chunk: I wouldn’t throw out east though.. like issaquah
rozo: Issaquah is very nice too
rozo: Issaquah and Newport Hills is w here I plan to buy
rozo: maybe newcastle
* Tornado writes furiously
Chunk: is newport hills near issaquah ?
rozo: it’s before Issaquah
Chunk: ah
Tornado: rozo not imparitive that I live too close
oaf: haha
rozo: south of I90
rozo: Tornado: East and South are best. Traffic is lightest in those directions
rozo: although Issaquah has horrible traffic (city streets) the freeway is fine once you get on it
rozo: you need a realtor.I know a good one
Tornado: i will yes
rozo: also have a good friend who’s a loan officer
Tornado: she/he will need to be prepared to spend a weekend with us…. Soon 🙂
Tornado: we’ll be flying up
Tornado: to “look it over” and see if we can see some houses.
Tornado: by the way.. if this DOESNT go down… my move up there… We will be hiring a Systems Engineer up there.
Tornado: we are hiring an account executive to work with me there
rozo: cool
Tornado: if you have referrals
rozo: have you hired an account rep yet?
Tornado: nein
Tornado: we will be soon
Tornado: interviewing
rozo: which company?
Tornado: ->rozo: Apple
trout: tornado are they opening an office?
trout: or work from home?
Tornado: from home
Tornado: the only way to fly 🙂
trout: nod
rozo: Wendy Ludlow – First Horizon Mortgage 206-523-5455 Tell her Michael Rose sent you
Tornado: ->rozo: will do.. you like her eh?
Tornado: ->rozo: and thanks
rozo: yea, I’ve been friends with her for like 8 years and sent her a lot of business, no complaints from anyone
Tornado: ->rozo: great.. hope she doesnt mind if we take up a weekend w/her soon.. we can get preapproved and all that stuff that realtors like when they know they have a serious buyer
Tornado: any other last minute comments about possible places to look?
rozo: oh she’s a mortgage person. She would do the prequalifing for the realtors
Tornado: i have to go make my “presentation” to the wifey
rozo: i’m looking for my realtor contact
Tornado: from the ‘experts’
Tornado: ->rozo: oh gotcha
rickster: hmm systems engineer
rickster: i’ll do it!
rickster: 😉
rozo: she should be able to prequal you over the phone
Tornado: i can get you in for the interview if you are serious and if I don’t take it
trout: new trailer for kill bill
Tornado: ->rozo: cool!
Chunk: heh
Chunk: I think all the good areas have been mentioned
Tornado: roger.. thanks for the input guys.
Chunk: I wouldn’t go to a place like bremerton where you have to commute on a ferry
Chunk: expensive and time consuming.. ferries are only fun when vacationing 🙂
Tornado: uh yeah.. that is a big no no.. i don’t know if she knew that
Tornado: but I could look so sophisticated.. commuting to Seattle.. smoking a pipe on deck..
oaf: Smoking is for the weak minded.
Chunk: hehe
rickster: ya, screw bremerton
Chunk: that’s true
Tornado: sipping some non-starbucks coffee
rozo: Chunk: ferries will soon have 802.11 though
rozo: 🙂
rickster: federal way
rickster: big deal
rickster: ferries need free blowjobs
rickster: you pay enough to ride they should be included
rozo: she is really good. I worked with her awhile back but she only does 800K and above (I think)
Tornado: ->rozo: excellent.. heh she looks like a realtor 🙂
Tornado: ->rozo: er.. i no can do 800k 🙁
rozo: this SE you’re hiring would need to be a MAC guy, right?
Tornado: ->rozo: hah… I suppose he could always still submit a resume
rozo: that’s a good site for doing home searches. Local company with severl offices in the area
Tornado: ->rozo: nice!
rozo: darius is a apple guy and sharp.
rozo: he used to be the CTO at
Tornado: ->rozo: is he looking?
rozo: yes
trout: heh
trout: i need to see buba ho tep too
rozo: what’s your email. I’ll have him send you an email
Tornado: ->rozo:
rozo: hehe. nice
Tornado: ->rozo: 😉