Dahlia fell out of bed about 4 nights ago. I’d put her to bed and forgot to put the ‘protective pillow’ on the side where there is no wall. Needless to say she fell off. We heard the BUMP which is never a good sound. 3 seconds later the wailing began. I walked in there and her head was down, feet slightly raised on some pillows or something near the ground. The bed is not very high up but she kept on crying indicating something really hurt. A day or two goes by.. She’s babying it. Then we see some bigtime bruising and she refuses to do anything in gymnastics. Well we finally decide to go to the doctor. Within 3 seconds the doctor goes ‘yep, broken collarbone. Nothing you can do about it – they don’t do slings or anything anymore. Just don’t let her hang or do pushups or anything like that for a while. Poor D. But she’s a champ. She barely lets it bother her.
Just an earthbound misfit, I
Dahlia finishes all her sentences with “I”. Not exactly sure what she’s doing there. An example from today:
“I wannnn dinaaaa an I, Shtorky, I”
Don’t ask me what it means… But it’s cute 😉
The Testament
Narrarator : Frank Muller (again!). Author : John Grisham. I’ve never read any other Grisham, but I really enjoyed this one. Muller does a great job cycling between all the voices, and he nails the alcoholic Nate O’Riley superbly. This was a very enjoyable listen. (My rating 8/10).
The Marching Season
Narrarated by Frank Muller. Written by Daniel Silva. Technically this is part 2 of a GREAT two parter, but Frank didn’t narrarate the first book – The Mark of the Assassin. There is a copy of it (MotA) at Amazon.com http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0553479377/103-3943784-6100637?v=glance&n=283155 but I can’t vouch for the audiobook quality. I CAN vouch for the audiobook quality of this one. Frank does an amazing job with all the accents. Truly a joy. I’d recommend reading MotA, then listening to this. (My rating 9/10)
Black Lightning
By John Saul. Narrated by Richard Ferrone. I have a thing for good narrarators – Richard Ferrone is one of those that I’ve only heard once but I think he did a great job. As far as the book goes – it was quite entertaining but the ending was a little… too much Hollywood for me. Still one of the better ones. (My rating 7.5/10).
Black Sunday
Althought I haven’t heard this one in a while… It’s one of my favorites. Frank Muller is the narrator. The book is by Thomas Harris of Silence of the Lambs fame. This is his first major book that he released in the early 70s. Frank Muller narrarates this book very well. Small factoid, the main female terrorist character of the book – Dahlia Illiad(sp) – is who we named Dahlia after. I highly recommend this book. (My rating 9/10)
Honey Smacks
Monti: “daddy you have to try these (referring to Honey smacks)”
Joe: ” no thanks.. i don’t care for them”
M: But they have honey
J: heh no thanks
M: here read the gradient (ingredients)
Dahlia goes “iwandaaaaa” (I want that)….. “waaaah” (water)…. So damn cute.
First Post. Empty House.
Well the girls are out of town with the grandparents in OR. I’m supposed to be getting ready for a conference call tomorrow am. Instead I am playing WoW… L29.. hopefully 30 soon.
London Bridges
Monti & The girls are in Chicago for 1.5 weeks.
Quick funny story – monti wakes up.. walks in by D… grabs her legs and starts singing London Bridges…. moving them in and out….Dahlia wakes up to this…. and makes the sign for more more.. they do it over and over.. cute as hell