Some sushi bar in San jose
Out with Apple crew @ Blowfish sushi
Apple Team Dinner
At the Jamf user event
Easter bunny tale
Monti was explaining to her friend Morgan that if she (Morgan) reads the Molly series, next Easter she’ll get a Molly doll ( like Monti did this year).
Morgan: “My mom says there’s no such thing as the Easter Bunny”
Monti: “We just don’t need to listen to those adults – all we have to do is wake up and see that the Easter Bunny does exist”
Then she said
“Just ask the Easter Bunny to do a scavenger hunt for you.”
Morgan:” How do you ask for that?”
Monti:”you just leave a note on the kitchen table telling him what you want and he’ll do it!”
It was very simple in her head.
Albert rocking the Rock Band
Magazine Subscriptions
Because I’m convinced that I get resub notices too soon, I’m going to post (here) when I resubbed for which ones:
MacTech : February of ’08 paid $70
Bday parties
The girls are at a birthday party for one of Monti’s friends. It’s at a bounce house type place.
I was here working with Kevin B on the new Turn Based Strategy Game Server for flexgames. Exciting stuff. We’re probably going to go see Horton Hears a Who later, then out to dins.
I just flew back from Boise yesterday – had a meeting with Micron in the am – a training person there, then lunch with Chunk – talked about backscroll.com – then afternoon at Dramatic Entertainment to talk about their plans for internet TV. Flew back – got in late after hitting WalMart in Renton to pick up an Easter present. What a nightmare Walmart was. On the flight back a fellow was very curious about my Apple jacket – a big closeted Apple fan. Ended up talking to me the whole flight back. Wants to be my friend. Nice enough guy but I’m busy right now programming – no time for new friends…. 🙂