
Breakfast before Wallyball

Breakfast before wallyball with LPK, Mat and Jr.



At the Pike Place Market

We did the Pike Place Fish Market last Saturday with Tamara and Steve Johnson – my (my mom’s) cousin and her husband. Dahlia joined me as Monti and Elsa were at Monti’s audition (see Elsa’s blog for more on that). Was good to see both of them – they had just gotten off a cruise to Alaska. We then went out for some Thai food at one of my favorite places – Typhoon – near Pike Place.We did the Pike Place Fish Market last Saturday with Tamara and Steve Johnson – my (my mom’s) cousin and her husband. Dahlia joined me as Monti and Elsa were at Monti’s audition (see Elsa’s blog for more on that). Was good to see both of them – they had just gotten off a cruise to Alaska. We then went out for some Thai food at one of my favorite places – Typhoon – near Pike Place.


Girls before school today

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We used a pic similar to this for Monti’s headshot for her auditions this weekend. The other one was better.

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Dahlia turns 5

Dahlia turned 5 today. During the trip back from TN, she said two of the funniest things. She is a very angry girl at times, especially with respect to Monti.

On the way to the funeral, Dahlia was very mad that Eliza couldn’t ride with us in our van (she couldn’t ride with us as we had a lot of old peanut shells and such in the messy van). She threw a big fit which culminated in her yelling:

“I’m SO MAD!!!! I’M NOT going to have curly hair anymore!!!!!!!!”

Then later, she was fighting with Monti and said:

“I HATE my sister. I want all HER CLOTHES!!!”

I hope we can get a handle on this anger she has. But she is a cutie pie nonetheless.



Gramma Seals died this past weekend at age 84. She was born 7/21/24.

Going to miss her. I spoke at her funeral as did Bub, UK and Micah. There were many tears but it was a good chance to see a lot of my relatives that I hadn’t seen in years (since Grandpa Seals died in 1987).

I flew in to Orlando the night before she died, the girls flew down that next day from Chicago (visiting there for 2.5 weeks). Then we all drove up to TN, picking up Maggie in Atlanta who is traveling around the country right now (but primarily staying with us).

I will miss Gramma, but it is better for her daughters now – she was requiring a lot of constant attention from them at the end and it was very tiring for them.




Alaska on the Deck with Monti

WordPress released an iPhone app to allow posting now. Just checking it out.



Swimming with the girls in Talus


Ricky the Raccoon

We have a raccoon “problem” here. They found a way to get to the cat room we have. They are so comfortable with it that the other night after the concert I came in to find the raccoon sleeping on the chair in the cat room. I snapped a few pix of him as he left (but he kept turning around to see if I was going to do something evil). The cats are totally unfazed by him. The girls have named him Ricky.