


Ice Skating with the Boyers

Brecken and Tyson


Dahlia and Elsa 


At the Adler Planetarium

We went to the Adler Planetarium last week with LPK and KC – it was a beautiful cold clear Chicago day.


Chinese Massage

Just walked by this Chinese massage parlor in a mall in Sioux Falls. Is that odd or is it just me?


FlexCal Review on Surfbit

From a blog called the a nice review on FlexCal


Art sent me this

A shot from about ’02 of Monti and Lauren.

Boeing CEC trip

I was invited to the equivalent of an Executive Briefing Center at Boeing last week. It was pretty cool. Got to get into a 787 mockup – neat lighting and interior. Should be a great jet. Also got to land a jet at Boeing field on a 787 simulator. No lives were lost that I am aware of. The simulator was pretty cool – great mockup of an interior of the cockpit with all the controls.

….In Bed…

One of my fave segments of Upright Citizen’s Brigade.


At the Sox/Mariners game

With Jr, his nephews Matty and Nick, Kriddle, his girlfriend and her friend and of course my women (with Samantha tagging along). We were in the cheap seats ($7 each).


Pictures from my last flight

I had a pilot that was very interested in the sights between here and Phoenix on my last flight there this week.


Below are some of the highlights.



Tiger Mountain with Poo Poo Point in the bottom right

Coming up on Mt. Rainier

Mt. Rainier

The Grand Canyon on flight home

Mt. Rainier on the flight home