Note the box lunches – good stuff.
Monti’s Songs
Monti had two songs that I wanted to record for posterity. The lyrics were:
What do you know about the bald side? What do you know about the bald side.
Song #2 was
He was the first one to finish. The first one in the town!
I just read this great article in Wired Magazine from May 2009. Excerpt:
Daryl BemProfessorEmeritus of PsychologyCornell UniversityObject of Study: Precognition
It’s deja vu in advance: In conventional psychological tests, subjects recall words they’ve had a chance to study better than words they’ve seen only briefly. Bem reversed the usual order of events and found that his subjects were significantly more likely to recall words they would study later than words they wouldn’t study at all. Extroverts show the most precognition.
7th Grade Basketball Team
Danny Littleton, Ron Stluka, Ryan Nelson, Pat Spangler, Beaker, Todd, Mr. Janusek, Steve Stein, Jeff Smith, Bill Meador, Billy Wierenga, xxxxx, xxxxx, Jeff Burdick, Troy Schultz, Kurt Kamper, me, Joe Cancialosi
Maggie and Elsa in Vegas
Monti and the Cross
Ok this falls squarely into the “where the h*ll did this come from” category…
Monti was showing Elsa that she found a cross earring in her jewelry box. Elsa asked her “Where did you get the cross from? “I got it from the jewelry box” Monti said – “it wards off Jews.”
This is notable in that
1) I did not know that Monti knew the word “ward”, though she has been reading a lot about vampires and werewolves lately.
2) I didn’t realize that we had to repel the Jews, but apparently they are all around us!
Monti’s 2010 comments
Back on the slopes

A house fit for a king
Elsa was saying that her parent’s house was 100 years old. Monti asked her if kings and queens ever lived there.