
Dahlia’s Story Page 2

Part 2

What it says

Ella runs to Dahlia’s room.

Ella said “What’s wrong?”

I hear the Headless Horseman!

“We need to run!” said Ella.

“But what about our cottage?” said Dahlia

“We maybe be stuck in the woods with the bats and the moths” said Ella

“Now we better hurry!” said Ella



Dahlia’s Story Page 3

Part 3


Dahlia said “I hear footsteps! but they don’t sound like the Headless Horseman”


Dahlia ran first to Sabina, then Ella.

“But Sabina, the headless horseman beat our home” said Ella

“Don’t worry, I sent a vampire so he’s dead” said Ella

“Yes” said Dahlia

“So let’s build a log cabin”

“Great idea Sabina!”

and they lived happily ever after!


Monti’s Poem/Presentation results

Monti did a poem/speech/presentation last week to her class which Elsa and I worked with her on quite a bit. The poem was about a girl that goes on a field trip to a candy store. She of course knocked it out of the park. It also didn’t hurt that she brought some candy as props (and subsequently gave out during her performance). I’ll try to post a video of her doing it soon. (If you click the images below you can read the teacher’s comments better.)


Tree in the Sea

Monti’s Drawing


Another Dahlia story

She’s on a roll tonight. She’s been obsessed with the Titanic for a couple of weeks now. She thinks about it a lot with the upcoming cruise this summer (and frets on it as well). The story she just told me and Monti in bed:

Dahlia: “Daddy you know Liv’s daddy? He has a friend who was on the Titanic…”

Me: “Oh really?”

(Monti starts piping up “Hey you mean great-great-great-grandfath….” Dahlia cuts her off)

Dahlia: “yeah! And he didn’t die! he had only underwear and it was made out of polar bear skin so he didn’t die.”


Dahlia and her stories

Dahlia has been getting very creative with her stories lately. She very much is beginning to embellish. For instance I was laying with her tonight before bed – the story went something like this:

Dahlia: “Daddy you know how after school we went to the adenoid and tonsil doctors? The ones where we had them taken out? Well I was looking in the garbage can there and I saw where they put all the guts and everything and I looked in there and I saw the brains! For real!”

Me: (chuckling)

Dahlia: “Dad! What are you laughing at?”

Me:”Nothing – your story – it’s funny”

Dahlia:”DAD! IT’S REAL!!!! I MEAN IT!”

There have been several in the past couple of weeks like this. I will try to record them here from now on.


Monti – 3rd Grade


Monti Earhart

Monti had to do a book report on Amelia Earhart today. She had to present it in first person mode (“Hi I’m Amelia Earhart and I was born July 24th, 1897…..”). She was totally prepared.


Fun With PhotoBooth

What I find most funny is Dahlia laughing as we make these. Seriously, nothing better than that.



Monti enjoying a “choose your own path” book