
Salmon Days!


“Select-All” after clicking in an NSTextField

I had been looking for a way to automatically select-all when a user clicks in an NSTextField. By default, the convention in OS X is to put the insertion point where the user clicks (assuming the textfield is editable). After much googling and trial and error I eventually subclassed NSTextField, then overrode mouseDown. I actually put nothing in the method, and yet achieved the desired results. I simply reassigned my NSTextFields in my XIB to be of my subclassed type and suddenly it worked as I desired.


Dahlia @ Soccer

Some warming up.

Doing toe taps with Moe. I seem to be uninterested..


A breakaway steal!

And GOAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Dahlia’s story : Doodle’s Big Vacation

Dahlia told me this story in August – Doodle’s Big Vacation

Once upon a time, in Doddletown, there was a lot of nice people. But the most nicest was Doodle. He was the nicest one in the world. And Doodle was at his house – he thought “I’m going to go to the park today”. He sat in his chair and he thought “last summer” he said, “I went to Paris, London and can you believe it” he went to Hollywood. So he decided to do another vacation. First he wanted to go to space, then after he came down he wanted to go Antarctica, then after that he wanted to go to the rainforest. And when he gets home, he’s going to do soccer.


Me & D at the Dunes 12.31.2003


At the dog park


Elsa and Monti 2003


Found this old pic of Dahlia

And I thought it was too cute to not post….


Dahlia lost her first tooth

She’s so excited about it. Same tooth that Monti lost first too.

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